In this diverse and innovative space, we facilitate a highly collaborative, open-minded conversation diving into the issues our society faces today, while being sure to bring corresponding resolution to the forefront . We’re here to address the problems whilst collaborating on visionary solutions, as our increasingly interdependent yet fractured global society struggles through intersecting crises in these unparalleled times of change. The monetary system is at the heart of our society. It touches everything in our lives, it dictates who lives and dies. We believe a bright future for humanity is one without currency. Society is collapsing before our eyes, and there has never been a more vital or exciting opportunity to both come together for the sake of forestalling the end of human life as we know it, while also recreating life on earth as we know it.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
The ADVENTURE of Revolution ft. Charles McBryde
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
If it didn't feel DOOMED, it wouldn't be an ADVENTURE! Long awaited pod with Charles McBryde! We all grew up dreaming about saving the world from destruction from great evil...well, these are the stakes as we face down unfolding climate apocalypse, impending world war, and the collapse of life as we know it at the hands of a monstrous system that's taken over the world.
We talk with freelance humanitarian TikTok star and anarchist revolutionary Charles McBryde about the trials, the alienation, the risk, and the ultimate reward of the extraordinary life that awaits anyone who truly throws themselves into the great work of fighting for a living future.
We talk about how taking on the biggest problems in our world, though emotionally and physically extreme, is more unburdening than giving in to inaction. Answer the call and step out the door!

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
POST-DOOM: RIP The High Priest of Collapse Michael Dowd
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Michael Dowd, the high priest of collapse, the prophet of (post) doom, and a good friend, passed away in his sleep last night. The world just lost one of its most vital human resources for navigating the unfolding & accelerating collapse that has really just begun. Michael was an amazing human being, the kindest doomer on earth, one of the most intelligent and knowledgeable people exploring the horrifying REALITY of ecological collapse, system failure, and the destructiveness of civilization itself--always with warmth, humor, and compassion. He was a beautiful soul, a good friend. People have said they're sorry for my loss-- I say it is humanity's loss, we lost our best guidance counselor helping us navigate through the complex emotional and societal landscape of a society in freefall, of inevitable, unstoppable, and perhaps sudden collapse. This is a conversation we recorded last summer, I was so nervous and intimidated approaching him, but he was so damn nice, an instant friend. I reached out to him to counter the hopelessness that we can't DO anything about all this, that's where I still hope he's wrong. I challenge every one of you to keep his spirit of compassionate awareness alive. Be kind, shit's going down--it could all end in a moment.

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Postcapitalist Computing & Currency ft. Blockchain Socialist
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
WTF do BLOCKCHAIN and SOCIALISM have to do with each other? More than you might think! Filmed live at a radical gathering of extremist nerds at the Commons Hub in the Austrian Alps, Marlow and Joshua Davila of the Blockchain Socialist podcast and writer of "Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It" explore the postcapitalist side of crypto, web3, decentralized computing, the future of currency, and life without money.
Stumbling onto this community was radical, eye opening and an exciting dive into one of the most achievable frontiers of design science revolution: the web. Leave your preconceived notions of all these concepts at the door and let's reprogram a better world!

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Why Aren’t There More Black Anti-capitalists? (ft. Blackleftis)
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
A simple question with a profound answer that cuts into the exploitation, propaganda, and militant resistance to any change to the status quo: WHY aren't there more black anticapitalists? This is the question that prompted our guest Lawrence of @blackleftis to become an activist and soldier on the front lines of the meme wars, and to find the others in radical spaces that are all too often dominated by white voices. This question digs into the heart of exploitation, repression, propaganda, the cognitive dissonance that keeps people defending systems that oppress them.

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Global Poverty is Preventable Genocide with Thomas Pogge
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Is global poverty improving, or getting worse? In this episode we explore the true reality of the horror of deprivation and mass death from a lack of the basic necessities or generic drugs to cure medieval diseases-- from a lack of money. Capitalist apologists claim poverty is decreasing, while the line is set at a measly $2 a day-- increase it by even 2 more and the number of people in extreme poverty explodes. 18 million people die every year, 20,000 CHILDREN every day, and 1 in 2 people lives on less than $5.50 a day. To explore this topic we brought on one of if not THE greatest expert on global poverty, professor Thomas Pogge to counter the establishment narrative that everything is getting better, and work to eradicate poverty as we know it through systemic change.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
AI is Changing Consciousness (and Everything Else) with Simon Q (Pt 1)
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
AI may not have taken over the world yet, but it's taken over the news and our feeds, as its tendrils work their way into every aspect of life as we know it, multiplying risk and reward and driving us into a new future none of us can imagine. This is the first part of an epically wild and expansive series with the AI Wizard Simon, using AI to turn our world inside out. We explore what LLMs really are, what IS intelligence, use chat GPT to explore global problems, existential risk, and push this technology to mind expanding levels, writing poetry and even taking it on a psychedelic mushroom trip.
Simon's twitter: QBfrank
The full series will be rolling out early for patreon subscribers (with two exclusive bonus audio episodes) at patreon.com/moneylesssociety

Saturday Aug 05, 2023
The Life Economy vs.The Death Economy with Economic Hitman John Perkins
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
MONEY has been the greatest weapon ever devised by humanity, the cause of more death than anything else. DEBT has been weaponized to conquer nations and bring peoples to their knees. Nobody understands this better than former ECONOMIC HITMAN John Perkins, who personally worked for the state and corporate establishment cajoling poor nations with resources coveted by western companies into accepting loans they could never repay, as a means to control their whole economy and make them subservient to the empire. We talk about his riveting history, how he came to a change of heart, and about the current global battle between the LIFE ECONOMY and the DEATH ECONOMY, and how we can work to build new systems and transitions to change the world.

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
The Past and Future of THE LEFT ft. 1Dime
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
THE RADICAL LEFT is the topic of this episode with the great Tony of the excellent youtube channel 1Dime. We have a wide ranging conversation about the history and future of the radical left--is there even a left, were experiments like the Soviet Union and communist China really communist, and what's next, how do we create a modern revolutionary movement that goes further than a movement that is largely stuck in the past, into the FUTURE.

Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
THAR SHE BLOWS! The best news swimming around the internet is the apparent orca whale uprising sinking human ships as an act of ORCANIZED resistance to the industrial system that's destroying life as we know it. We're joined by radical wildlife biologist and climate activist, scientist rebel, antifa supersoldier Allan Chornak to dive deep into a profound conversation about what we are doing to the oceans to provoke such peaceful creatures to fight back. We talk about animal intelligence, ocean warming and the effects of climate change and human activity on the seas, biology and evolution, the history of whale oil and its connection to fossil fuels, seeing human history from the perspective of our more than human relations, ultimately asking huge questions about consciousness itself and cultivating a deeper natural intelligence and expanding our identification to the natural world that IS us.

Sunday Jul 02, 2023
Labor Strikes Back (Part 2) How We Organize ft The General Strike U.S.
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
Sunday Jul 02, 2023
STRIKE! As the capitalist system ramps up its attacks on working class people around the world, workers of the world are joining together to STRIKE BACK! We're joined by the great professor Richard Wolff and organizers from General Strike U.S. to talk about the state of organized labor, the strikes and protests raging across France, and the future of the labor movement as we sow the seeds of a general strike in the U.S.
Part 2 of 2, don't miss the first part of our extended conversation with the activists from General Strike US or get early access by subscribing to our Patreon: patreon.com/moneylesssociety
Get the Moneyless Society book out now! moneylesssociety.com
Reach out through social media to get more involved! Join our discord: https://discord.gg/TthybGHS