In this diverse and innovative space, we facilitate a highly collaborative, open-minded conversation diving into the issues our society faces today, while being sure to bring corresponding resolution to the forefront . We’re here to address the problems whilst collaborating on visionary solutions, as our increasingly interdependent yet fractured global society struggles through intersecting crises in these unparalleled times of change. The monetary system is at the heart of our society. It touches everything in our lives, it dictates who lives and dies. We believe a bright future for humanity is one without currency. Society is collapsing before our eyes, and there has never been a more vital or exciting opportunity to both come together for the sake of forestalling the end of human life as we know it, while also recreating life on earth as we know it.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
The Green Transition is Impossible in This System with Simon Michaux
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Simon Michaux is a professor and geophysicist whose work in the commercial mining industry has given him an inside-out view of our system. His current work has calculated that the quantity and quality of metals needed for the green transition to EVs with solar and wind is physically impossible. This is an explosive conversation blasting apart all the fantasies of green capitalism, from green consumerism to the World Economic Forum's fourth industrial revolution. We take a cold hard look at the physical reality of our crisis and the NEW SYSTEM we must create to overcome these limits. Simon is the MAN so don't miss this talk!

Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Dual Power to the People with Demetrius of Black Socialists of America
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Dual power is a revolutionary concept of building a parallel economic system to counter the establishment, building the new in the shell of the old. Today's episode we talk with Demetrius from Black Socialists in America, a revolutionary black anti authoritarian collective working to build and network dual power projects all over the US. This episode is also the first appearance of Ron Wolfe, the superstar young revolutionary that's been killing it on the MoSo tik tok.
Ron is currently struggling with housing and living in a sedan with his girlfriend, please support their cause! https://gofund.me/c5d25296

Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Making Hierarchy Obsolete with Holocracy One
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Holocracy is a new management system to make hierarchy obsolete. Sounds radical, right? This system that eliminates bosses, empowers workers and enables collective decision making was developed from inside the corporate world by CEO and software developer Brian Robertson (today's guest). Corporate anarchy--what?? We go deep into this truly radical new operating system and unpack how it works, WHY it's necessary, we talk anarchism, "conscious" capitalism, and of course, making the old systems obsolete with NEW ones that are just simply better!

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Omm! TUNE IN to this profound dialogue with David Hanuman Dass @anarchospirituality about the intersection of radical politics and spirituality. We talk about cultural appropriation, mcmindfulness, the ways spirituality is being turned into an opiate of the masses, as well as our own personal spiritual practice and how these ancient teachings can lead us to revolution.

Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Steps to a Resource Based Economy with RBE United
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
A RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY is an idea so grand we've been developing it across dozens of shows and videos-- it is the foundation and the clearest vision of where we go from here. In this episode we talk with Aboubakre Haraket founder of RBE United, an organization devoted to building steps to the future in the Phillipines and beyond. This episode is a great primer on this profound, world-saving IDEA and a powerful step toward bringing about the transition, getting from HERE to THERE.

Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Going Beyond Capitalism with Richard Wolff
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
The man needs no introduction...professor Richard Wolff, or as he's known to his friends and comrades, RICK, joins us to talk about going BEYOND capitalism. This system doesn't work, so what comes next and how do we get there?

Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Going Upstream to the Root of our Problems
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
What is the root cause of our global problems? It's not enough to deal with the symptoms, we're looking for the root causes, and who better to go there with than Della Duncan and Robert Raymond of the fabulous UPSTREAM podcast about unlearning everything you think you know about economics to go beyond capitalism and imagine alternative economics systems that truly benefit us all!
We talk about what that root cause is, talk about Marxism, systems thinking, MONEY, and discuss the long awaited Moneyless Society book with Della who was the first person to read it upon its completion. Release coming November 1st!
Music from Global Pattern's excellent solarpunk compilations.

Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Preppin’ for Collapse, Hopin’ for Utopia with Poor Proles Almanac
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
#collapse is trending, it's in the air like fall--the fall of capitalism, the rising tides, the chaos of our made to break and illegal to repair society falling apart all at once. We all know it's coming, some of us daydream about it like one long weekend, others fear for their children's future. The question isn't whether it's going down, it's WHEN, and WHAT are you going to DO about it?
That's the topic of this week's episode with Andy from Poor Proles Almanac, a righteous eco-anarchist agro ecology prepper podcast. Grab a carrot and settle in--it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
SOLARPUNK SOLUTIONS #1 - Off Grid Internet
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
SOLARPUNK SOLUTIONS is a new series within moneyless society which focuses on, well, solutions! It's about bringing together nature and technology, politics and imagination, and exploring the possibilities of what we can do TODAY to build the change we want to see in the world.
The first talk is with Andre, or Hydroponic Trash @hydroponictrash talking about totally DIY off grid wireless internet and what it means to be a solarpunk, creating solutions as the old world falls apart.

Saturday Sep 24, 2022
MAGNOVA: An App to Replace the Government?
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
We all see the effects of social media and the internet on society, it's revolutionized everything but our social system. In this episode we talk with the visionary Lavra Tamutus, creator of MAGNOVA, an ingenious new platform for problem solving and sharing, about using the technology that corporations are using to own the world and mine our every interaction for data to control information, manipulate elections and advertise to us with drone strike accuracy--to create a system of collective decision making, project planning, and resource sharing that truly makes government, politics, misinformation, and global issues like homelessness, poverty, resource scarcity and competition OBSOLETE.
Don't miss this mind blowing discussion of cybernetic direct democracy to create global cooperation!
Music by Cyber Surfer 3d and various solarpunk vibes by Global Pattern's compilations.