In this diverse and innovative space, we facilitate a highly collaborative, open-minded conversation diving into the issues our society faces today, while being sure to bring corresponding resolution to the forefront . We’re here to address the problems whilst collaborating on visionary solutions, as our increasingly interdependent yet fractured global society struggles through intersecting crises in these unparalleled times of change. The monetary system is at the heart of our society. It touches everything in our lives, it dictates who lives and dies. We believe a bright future for humanity is one without currency. Society is collapsing before our eyes, and there has never been a more vital or exciting opportunity to both come together for the sake of forestalling the end of human life as we know it, while also recreating life on earth as we know it.

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
EP #6 'War Is A Racket'
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
In his farewell address, President Eisenhower warned of the development and increasing power of what he called the ‘Military Industrial Complex’, the war economy and the corporations that rose to power through World War II to make war one of the biggest moneymaking enterprises in the world. In this episode we discuss the deadly feedback loop between the US military and the capitalist system that drives the expansion of its global empire all over the world. We talk with two actual veterans of the US military who have devoted their lives to studying and opposing imperialism and the system that fuels it. We cover a huge range of topics that delves deep into the heart of this monstrous topic and come away together with some powerful insights about the nature of collectivism and the changes that we can all make in our lives to join the fight against global imperialism and the daily war being waged on those living in the shadows of a hulking monster that values property over people.
Prentice Reid runs an exquisite Instagram and Twitter account disseminating information https://instagram.com/celestial_beacon?utm_medium=copy_link and
Comrade Joey runs a page called War is a Racket devoted to exposing the war machine https://instagram.com/warisaracket?utm_medium=copy_link
Check out Moneyless Society's Linktr.ee to stay connected
and our Patreon to stay up to date on upcoming releases. Thank you for supporting alternate media and post scarcity collaboration. www.patreon.com/moneylesssociety

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Ep #5 'Ecological Solutions To Economic Problems'
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
In response to the climate of collapse, destruction and looming ruin, optimism is essential. We must keep planting seeds of new life, finding solutions in ecological, natural ways of organizing and developing sustainable avenues of growth. We currently posses the knowledge, technology and capability to obsolete destructive, outdated logistics of a systems design premised, hypocritically, on scarcity and infinite acquisition. In Ep #5, we talk with ecological industrialist Robert Shields, to discuss real world solutions through the practice and life/business philosophy of permaculture and how the building of intentional communities by investing in our greatest asset - each other - to create resiliency, and feed our growing need for sovereignty and community, is a cornerstone of freeing ourselves from explotative limitations. Through permaculture, conscious business models and the discipline of remaining connected to one another, a new and better world is imminently possible.

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Climate crisis is upon us. Listen in on our first contribution to the single most vital discussion in history. We're not the first to speak on it and we'll hopefully be far from the last. Our oceans and mountains and every organism in between is counting on us to realize we have the collective ability to change the ominous trajectory of climate change. IF we start NOW... How do we advert certain disaster? Tune in to hear our riveting dialogue with climate activist Flower Garden and anti-fascist biologist Allan Chornak to discuss the logistics of the monetary system's toll on our environment and ways in which to begin repairing the damage. This is about more than windmills and battery powered cars, it's about changing our whole society for the good of all life as we know it on this planet. Pay attention. Tomorrow depends on it.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep #3 Post Scarcity World: How Do We Get There From Here
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
In the first two episodes we discussed a plethora of reasons WHY to make the transition from a monetary socioeconomic model to a nonmonetary protopia. This episode will round out the first three with an in depth look at HOW to bridge the gap from here to there with our special guest Jae Sabol, of One Community Global. Tune in to hear about OCG's open source blueprints for the future of sustainability which can be implemented now!

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep #2 Echo Park: Changing the Homeless Narrative
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Unhoused, homeless, poor, even 'criminal', are just a few key words that are weaponized against the sector of humanity that's been exiled to the outskirts of our cities in the nefarious name of 'prosperity'. The devisive narrative which polarizes humanity against itself is the tool of choice for the ruling class, which must maintain adequate threat against those who dare to think outside of the box, to live outside of the box. In this episode, you'll learn of the perils of homeless life via first hand perspective delivered by our very special guests, David Bush-Lilly and Ayman Ahmed - leaders in the Echo Park Uprising that took place in L.A. earlier this year. As well as solutions proposed and well-practiced by our guests.
NOTE: This episode will be released into the Public Domain and under a Creative Commons License, as requested by our guest David Bush-Lilly.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ep #1 Moneyless Society: The Origin Story
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Ever wondered what happens if you actually listen to that little voice of rationality in your head? The one that presents perfectly valid reasons for not going along with the inhumane demands of today's socioeconomic model ... In this debut of the Moneyless Society Podcast, your three hosts Matt, Marlow and Amanda talk about how the voice of reason finally drowned out all the noise of the machine's gear grinding and rat racing, which led them to this place on the proverbial timeline of an inevitable shift in humanity's existence on this planet. Listen in on the stories, both tragic and triumphant, that are catalyzing change for the better, both personally and globally. Then stay tuned to learn about all the ways in which society has the choice, but also the resources, to quite literally save the world.